Name: Kristin Pettersson
Age: 28 years
Profession: Forklift driver
"The clothes need to be adapted to different body shapes"
Kristin Pettersson has worked outdoors as a Forklift driver for 4 years and knows how important it is at work to have functional and comfortable work clothing that can withstand tough weather conditions. She feels that the available choice of women's work clothing lacks sizes adapted for different body shapes, and says that on several occasions she has had to buy men's clothes because the clothes do not fit.
- No body is the same as another, something I think that most suppliers of workwear for women have missed.
When Kristin was asked to become a test pilot for Blåkläder she did not hesitate for a second to say yes. The photo shoot gave her the opportunity to try out the upcoming high visibility collection for women:
- I was pleasantly surprised, the garments fitted me like a glove. All the clothes were very comfortable and I have no doubt that other women in the sector will think the same.